Egongot community in restoration

Detailed Information

Size of area being restored
20 ha (10 ha committed to Forest Foundation Ph grant)

Geographical features of site
Lower part of Sierra Madre range but not part of the protected area; site near waterfalls
NGP beneficiary: 108 ha fruit trees, 50 ha bamboo (on 3rd yr)

Natural / biodiversity assessments done
Resource inventory as part of their community conservation plan

Challenges and threats to the area
Illegal loggers, migrants (other tribes), lack of support from local DENR

Communities involved (indicate size)
Egongot tribe

Solutions/interventions being done in response to challenges and objectives
Formed their own Bantay Gubat team

— Financing for livelihood
FFP partnership for weaving livelihood
Allowance for rangers
Need equipment such as hammock, radios, camera for documentation, other income sources

Site Information
DETFAWAI - Dimasalang Egongot Tribe Farmers And Weavers Association, Inc
Map Location